My Secret To Soft Hands During This Time of Emergency

At such a time like this, keeping us all locked in at home, my hands get sooo dry between all the extra hand washing and cleansing that this emergency has caused. That’s why I wanted to share with you my little secret on how I keep my hands soft and happy. This new company who has just introduce themselves to the world at the perfect time! by the name of Sunytizer, they use essential oils to create their no-rinse hand gel, and leaves your hands feeling so soft! No harsh chemicals that leave your skin in horrible shape expecually when constantly used. If you are anything like me and struggling with dry hands due to the extra hand washing and cleansing then go check out the link I attached to this photo and pick yourself up a bottle of Sunytizer, Trust me, you won’t regret it!

click Image for softer sanitized hands

This post is simply promotional I do not receive any credit from any purchase ordered through this link.

The Girl In the Green Dress

Happy Thursday Thankfulness!!!!

Wow has it been a week for me!
Between recovery and being so busy with just life stuff I was so disappointed I wasn’t able to post this week 🤦

I feel as if I failed my faithful following! I am so sorry! And That’s why for Thankful Thursday I want to start off by saying Thank You to my faithful following You are amazing!! And trust me, I don’t just say that, I know who you are I keep a close eye and try my best to repay the love back! So you’re probably wondering what this picture has to do with this post?

Well since I wasn’t able to post this week I thought would add some extra in for Thankfulness Thursday!

Even though it has been such a hard week for me I have a lot to be thankful for. I wanted to share with you something very personal and special to me, something some of you know some of you may or may not know.

( The story behind this picture )
A good childhood friend of mine @horn229 captured this picture at the perfect time. Thank you Nick

On this day very day my life took a complete turn, I was in the middle of a storm as some would say yet through it all God was guiding me. Something you may not know is that I love to sing but not just sing, I love to sing and worship my God! This very night was a national Bible quizzing tournament Service that was being held at my church. I had the opportunity to praise sing at this event something I never had strong confidence in doing was singing yet I have always known in my heart that God designed me to use my voice for His glory, God did something in me that night and I haven’t been the same since.

That night not only did God move in such a way in that service but this was also the night that I officially met my Now Husband. I say officially because (that’s another story itself)
I remember the butterflies i felt when I seen him walk through those doors.

Also on this very night I was happy to wear this green dress I got from Wish for the very first time. Wich also happens to be his favorite color as well as mine.

This was the night we went to Applebee’s after church with a group of people and after stood outside in the cold talking until past curfew simply because we couldn’t stop! The night that I had no excuse for getting home late lol and stayed up another hour just talking to my mom about it.

The lesson here is this and comes at the time I need to be reminded of it the most.

Life can get crazy, life can throw you a storm and you just can’t see around it, but if you keep praising Him in the storm He will be in the mist of your praises. We can’t see how or why things go the way they do but once it’s all said and done, you can see where things began to change and how God was there all along.

and just because you’re in the mood of a storm, doesn’t mean you can’t look good while being rained on.

HELLO I am Rachel

Welcome to My Blog I have been off for awhile due to well, as my blog name calls itself, Making Lemonade so weird how stuff like that happens right? I make a blog, title it Make Lemonade (when life throws you lemons) and then life litterly threw me lemons!! So just please bare with me, but along the way please comment I love to hear from my followers! And don’t forget to check out Hello Boyer while you’re at it 💕 talk soon!

Hello, hello, hello

Sorry everyone, life has thrown me lemons🍋 ive been having some health issues. But, wanted to jump on and say not to worry I have not forgotten about you. I will be making a glass of Lemonade and update you all on my journey progress soon as possible 😘💕

Thank you for your patience

-Rachel Boyer

The blessed wife 🍋